So. I doubt anyone will ever even read this.
I just want to see if anyone will, since every other non-Facebook/non-Myspace self-page internet thingys I've ever made never got viewed, and I forgot all the account info for those anyway, as if I even used them much.
Scratch that, I used my City of Randompolis website for most of junior year until I ran clean out of patience and camera memory to bother uploading my comics (ahem. no scanner. too lazy to borrow one.) or write more of my "short" stories. Oh well. This is it. Still fully under construction.
Today was as eventful as it was uneventful. It was Senior Project Presentation Day. Needless to say, my presentation passed (as far as my sneak peeks at the scoresheets said) though now the word "powerpoint" instantaneously reminds me of my rocky, stuttering introduction.
After an hour or so of listening/presenting/waiting for the next turn, I decided to skip the invite to have lunch with faculty and decided to immerse myself into a pint-sized world of fingerprints and yelling. Yay preschool. I escaped with a cup of strawberry jello just before naptime and proceeded to drive downtown to a different division of the same Kamehameha Schools preschool so I could borrow a spare admin laptop and check my email.
Sometime around 8:30, Miki came home with a present of a hot chocolate/mug set. Nice.