Quick rundown of the best couple of days I've had in ages:
Friday day/afternoon/night: Had a good nap on the bus up to school. Spent every single block doing absolutely nothing. The band played during lunch for Art Week and they rocked :) Listened to good music and had good conversation with friends on the bus ride down. Made plans for the weekend. Spent some quality time with boyfriend & his car, then headed to mall to see the True Bromance art show. Got T-shirt (supreme, Kaloe! TYVM). Ate at Fernando's (it's good btw).
Saturday morning/afternoon: Woke up after a nightmare that seemed like a mix of several creepy shows I've seen before. My dad said my recollection would make a rather interesting movie. Hmm. Today's mom's birthday ^^ (she's 30! lol). Going to dinner tonight. Looks like beach is going to have to wait til tomorrow. Anyone up to come?
I love that shirt. I wish I went! (: